I would like to plan my vacations far ahead.
For the sake of my own children, I usually take vacations/time off when:
Lukkedage 2019/2020
Juli måneden Lukket fra 28/6 -5/8/2019
Efterårsferie 12/10 – 20/10/2019
Juleferie 19/12/2019 – 6/1/2020
Vinterferie 8/2 -16/2/2020
Påskeferie 4/4-13/4/2020
1 Maj, Stor Bededag 8/5, Kristi Himmelfart 21/5, Pinseferie 30/5-1/6, Grundlovsdag 5/6,
Sommerferie 26/6/2020
Please Note:
As I am open for more than 37 hours a week (compared to a normal working week of 37 hours), I “save up” off hours.
I use them in full days as needed, with a minimum notice of 14 days.
I try whenever possible to take time off when my children have time off from school or, for example, has a dentist or doctor’s appointment.
The Daycare is closed the last Friday of each month, which is standard for most other Day cares as well.